Daniel Gilmour

(778) 312-3188


Dan Gilmour's Blog

Enjoy 50+ Articles about Branding, Lead Generation, & Sales.

Branding: Learn how to stand out. 94% of customers return to companies whose branding they like.
Lead Generation: Learn how to get attention. Consumers are more likely to buy from a company that delivers individualized marketing – 80% more probable!
Operations: Learn to scale your product/service delivery systems. In response to the polluted breathing air in China, millionaire Chen Guangbiao began selling fresh air in a can, going on to sell eight million cans in 10 days and earning $6 million in a year.
Sales Closing: Learn to close more sales. 48% of sales calls are ended without an attempt to close. That means sales reps miss out on securing potential clients nearly half the time.
Results: Everything my team and I do, we track. It’s how we learn and create repeatable processes to do it again. Things we’ve done: appointments booked with 50% of Canadian Market in 4 months for SaaS, $500K to $5M sales in 6 months for a trade, $100K/month closing dead leads, $200K Revenue/month (4x Return on Ad Spend) for professional services.

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